Scenarios of energy and resource development on the North Slope, Alaska

This project focused on future resource development scenarios on the North Slope, Alaska and adjacent seas. The project was commissioned by the North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) with participation by the North Slope Borough, Arctic Slope Regional Corporation and North Slope communities representing local concerns.

The first stage of this project provided information to stakeholders on current knowledge and uncertainties in relevant social, economic and environmental factors that may affect onshore and offshore resource extraction activities.

We built and engaged a broad stakeholder network including state and federal agencies, local communities, industry and scientists to identify plausible resource development scenarios through 2040.

The second stage of the project included two workshops to identify scenarios and the implications of those scenarios, resulting in outreach and mapped products.

A third workshop provided information to NSSI and agencies on research and monitoring needed to address information gaps from plausible resource development scenarios on the North Slope.